Exciting Update! The Latest on My New Book

After two and a half years of sweat, tears, and thankfully no blood, I’m thrilled/terrified to share that I have completed the manuscript for my upcoming book, "Human First, Leader Second: How Self-compassion Outperforms Self-criticism." 

I’m on a mission to help one million people believe they are enough through compassionate leadership, talent and organizational development. I help leaders lead authentically, navigate their careers intentionally, and grow high-performing teams successfully. 

After working with over 3,000 leaders, I have observed one consistent challenge many face regardless of their industry, background, or expertise. That challenge is the commonly held limiting belief “I am not enough”.

Through this work and my personal growth, I uncovered the opportunity to shed light on the pivotal role self-compassion plays in leadership and how it’s exponentially more effective than self-criticism and judgment.

And that’s how Human First, Leader Second came to be.

But, is this the right book for you?

Too often, leadership and the authority, status, and power that come with it can cause deep issues, both within us as well as interpersonally. In our culture, there is so much pressure to become a “leader” and then maintain that status, rather than being relegated to a follower.

Leaders may lose sight of both their own and others’ humanity. They may become ultra-competitive, get caught up in their own hype, feel superior to their subordinates, and express it with a lack of compassion and empathy, and even, albeit unintentional, coldness and cruelty. 

This kind of leader often feels incredibly lonely, detached, and closed off. They may be burned out because they're trying to be all things to all people. They may think they'll never be good enough and are overcompensating to prove themselves. Or, they may have limited awareness that their leadership approach isn't working, but don't know what to change or how to begin. This can look like suffering from perfectionism, impostor syndrome, stress and anxiety, or even full-blown burnout. 

Are you overly demanding of yourself, undervaluing colleagues, micromanaging your team, or leading from a place of fear?

This book is for leaders who have felt as stuck as I have—driven more by fear than purpose, guided by the validation of others rather than appreciation for yourself. It is for those of us who know what it's like to always look toward the next promotion to justify all our hard work, rather than recognizing our purpose that justifies the work. 

This book is for leaders hiding behind masks, but only fooling themselves, constantly plagued by impostor syndrome and self-doubt. It is for leaders who falsely believe titles, access, and influence give them power, only to realize they have given their power away.

Human First, Leader Second explores where humanity meets leadership. With gripping honesty, vivid insights, and groundbreaking research, this book unveils the profound potential of self-compassion as an unparalleled force of authenticity, resilience, and transformational performance. 

My hope for you, the reader, is that you’ll encounter the life-changing shift from battling with inner demons to embracing your full humanity, opening doors to a realm where compassionate leadership not only flourishes but redefines the landscapes of success, well-being, and impactful influence.

If this resonates with you, please sign up for updates specific to Human First, Leader Second: How Self-compassion Outperforms Self-criticism here.

The book will be available in September 2024 on Amazon and at major retailers and is now available for presale - links to retailers here. Bulk orders for teams and organizations will also be available later this year. 

Please contact me here with any questions. Thanks in advance for your support!


My Leadership Kryptonite🦸


Trying to be Vulnerable is BS